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said in play

  • 1 said in play

    said in play
    dito por brincadeira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > said in play

  • 2 play

    [plei] 1. verb
    1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) brincar
    2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) jogar
    3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) representar
    4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) ser representado
    5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) tocar
    6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) pregar (partidas)
    7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) jogar com
    8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) saltar
    9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) dirigir
    10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) jogar
    2. noun
    1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) divertimento
    2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) peça
    3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) jogo
    4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) folga
    - playable
    - playful
    - playfully
    - playfulness
    - playboy
    - playground
    - playing-card
    - playing-field
    - playmate
    - playpen
    - playschool
    - plaything
    - playtime
    - playwright
    - at play
    - bring/come into play
    - child's play
    - in play
    - out of play
    - play at
    - play back
    - play down
    - play fair
    - play for time
    - play havoc with
    - play into someone's hands
    - play off
    - play off against
    - play on
    - play a
    - no part in
    - play safe
    - play the game
    - play up
    * * *
    [plei] n 1 jogo, partida, disputa. 2 divertimento, brincadeira. 3 folguedo, passatempo. 4 peça teatral ou cinematográfica. a play of Shaw (ou by Shaw) / uma peça de Shaw. 5 Mus execução, interpretação. 6 gracejo. 7 jogatina, modo de jogar. 8 Mech jogo, folga. 9 lance, jogada. 10 atividade, ação, movimento. • vt+vi 1 jogar, disputar. 2 brincar, folgar, divertir-se. 3 tocar (instrumentos musicais), executar. 4 agir, proceder. 5 vibrar, oscilar, tremular. 6 representar, desempenhar. 7 Mech jogar, ter folga. 8 pôr em movimento, movimentar, acionar. 9 bancar, fingir. 10 apostar. 11 imitar. at play em jogo. at the play no teatro. in full play em plena atividade. play in the gear folga no jogo da engrenagem. play of colours jogo de cores. said in play dito por brincadeira. they are played out eles estão esgotados. they play a losing game eles procedem sem chance de sucesso. they played the devil with him eles o maltratavam. to bring into play movimentar, acionar. to give free play to one’s abilities proporcionar ambiente em que alguém possa desenvolver livremente as suas aptidões. to hold in play manter alguém ocupado. to make a play for 1 tentar obter. 2 tentar seduzir. to play about comportar-se sem responsabilidade. to play along cooperar ou concordar com alguém. to play a part 1 ajudar alguém a fazer algo. 2 representar um papel. to play around coll namorar, flertar. to play at 1 participar (de um jogo). 2 brincar com. 3 fazer de conta. to play a trick on pregar uma peça em. to play ball coll cooperar. to play down depreciar, negligenciar. to play fair agir corretamente. to play false enganar, trair. to play first violin ter papel preponderante. to play foul proceder incorretamente. to play horse with coll 1 fazer gato e sapato de. 2 desarrumar, lançar em desordem. to play house brincar de casinha. to play into a person’s hands favorecer alguém. to play off 1 fazer, agir, praticar. 2 dar espetáculo, fazer cenas. 3 fingir. 4 concluir um jogo. to play on (ou upon) tocar de leve, roçar. to play on (ou upon) words fazer trocadilhos. to play out 1 acabar, terminar. 2 fatigar, cansar, exaurir. 3 perder a eficácia. to play politics intrigar, maquinar, tramar. to play safe agir com cautela. to play the field espalhar esforço, interesses, afeições em muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo. to play the fool bancar o bobo. to play the game observar as regras do jogo, agir corretamente. to play the gentleman bancar o cavalheiro. to play the market jogar na bolsa, especular. to play up 1 começar a música. 2 redobrar os esforços. 3 mostrar-se firme e forte perante uma crise ou emergência. 4 destacar, salientar, dar ênfase. 5 enganar, trapacear. 6 provocar. 7 comportar-se de forma a não cooperar. 8 dar problemas, doer. to play up to sl 1 contracenar. 2 apoiar. 3 adular, bajular. to play with 1 brincar com. 2 jogar contra. 3 fazer pouco de. 4 masturbar. to play with fire brincar com fogo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > play

  • 3 represent

    [reprə'zent] 1. verb
    1) (to speak or act on behalf of: You have been chosen to represent our association at the conference.) representar
    2) (to be a sign, symbol, picture etc of: In this play, the man in black represents Death and the young girl Life.) representar
    3) (to be a good example of; to show or illustrate: What he said represents the feelings of many people.) representar
    - representative 2. noun
    1) ((also rep [rep]) a person who represents a business; a travelling salesman: Our representative will call on you this afternoon.) representante
    2) (a person who represents a person or group of people: A Member of Parliament is the representative of the people in his constituency.) representante
    * * *
    [repriz'ent] vt 1 reproduzir a imagem de, retratar, pintar, descrever, representar. I was represented by him / fui representado por ele. 2 tipificar, simbolizar, representar. 3 patentear, revelar, mostrar claramente. 4 encenar, fazer representar. 5 desempenhar, fazer executar (um papel, uma missão, etc.). 6 aparentar, figurar, parecer ter. 7 equivaler a, corresponder a. 8 fazer as vezes de, agir em lugar de. 9 desempenhar um mandato. 10 objetar, protestar. 11 expressar, significar, descrever, expor. to represent to demonstrar (furiosa ou queixosamente).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > represent

  • 4 second

    I 1. ['sekənd] adjective
    1) (next after, or following, the first in time, place etc: February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place.) segundo
    2) (additional or extra: a second house in the country.) segundo
    3) (lesser in importance, quality etc: She's a member of the school's second swimming team.) segundo
    2. adverb
    (next after the first: He came second in the race.) segundo
    3. noun
    1) (a second person, thing etc: You're the second to arrive.) segundo
    2) (a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc.) auxiliar
    4. verb
    (to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally: He proposed the motion and I seconded it.) apoiar
    5. noun
    (a secondary school.) escola secundária
    - secondly
    - secondary colours
    - secondary school
    - second-best
    - second-class
    - second-hand
    - second lieutenant
    - second-rate
    - second sight
    - second thoughts
    - at second hand
    - come off second best
    - every second week
    - month
    - second to none
    II ['sekənd] noun
    1) (the sixtieth part of a minute: He ran the race in three minutes and forty-two seconds.) segundo
    2) (a short time: I'll be there in a second.) instante
    * * *
    [s'ekənd] adj 1 segundo, segunda. she was born on the second of may / ela nasceu no dia 2 de maio. 2 inferior, secundário. 3 subordinado. 4 outro, diferente. • adv secundariamente, em segundo lugar. on second thoughts depois de pensar bem. to become second nature tornar-se uma segunda natureza. to be second cousins ser primos em segundo grau. to be/ to stand second to none equiparar-se aos melhores. to play the second fiddle fig ter um papel de segunda ordem. to try a second time tentar novamente.
    [s'ekənd] n 1 segundo, 1/60 de um minuto, de tempo ou de ângulo. 2 instante, momento. 3 Mus segunda: intervalo de tempo entre duas notas. I’ll join you in a second / estarei aí num instante.
    [s'ekənd] n 1 padrinho no duelo. 2 ajudante, auxiliar. • vt 1 secundar, assistir, auxiliar, suportar. 2 apoiar, aprovar. 3 agir como ajudante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > second

  • 5 trick

    [trik] 1. noun
    1) (something which is done, said etc in order to cheat or deceive someone, and sometimes to frighten them or make them appear stupid: The message was just a trick to get her to leave the room.)
    2) (a clever or skilful action (to amuse etc): The magician performed some clever tricks.)
    2. adjective
    (intended to deceive or give a certain illusion: trick photography.)
    - trickster
    - tricky
    - trickily
    - trickiness
    - trick question
    - do the trick
    - play a trick / tricks on
    - a trick of the trade
    - trick or treat!
    * * *
    [trik] n 1 engano, embuste, fraude, trapaça. none of your tricks with me / não tente lograr-me. 2 truque, malícia. 3 habilidade, artifício. he has a trick of finding / ele tem a habilidade de achar. 4 tramóia, peça, ardil. he did the trick / ele arrumou o negócio. he played me a dirty trick, he played a dirty trick upon me / ele me pregou uma peça. 5 travessura. 6 hábito, costume. she has tricks that remind me of him / ela tem costumes que me fazem lembrar, dele. 7 todas as cartas jogadas numa rodada. 8 tricks pl subterfúgios, artimanhas. she was up to his tricks / ela percebeu suas artimanhas. • vt+vi 1 enganar, lograr, iludir, pregar uma peça. 2 fazer mágica ou truques. 3 ornar, enfeitar. • adj mágico, relativo ao truque. by a trick of the eye por uma ilusão de óptica. to get/ learn the trick aprender o jeito, o truque. to trick into doing persuadir ou levar a fazer. to trick out, to trick up enfeitar. to trick out of desviar a atenção de, enganar, distrair. to trick with brincar, gracejar com. trick for trick na mesma moeda. tricks of law escapatórias da lei. tricks of memory ciladas da memória.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > trick

  • 6 put on

    1) (to switch on (a light etc): Put the light on!) ligar
    2) (to dress oneself in: Which shoes are you going to put on?) vestir
    3) (to add or increase: The car put on speed; I've put on weight.) aumentar
    4) (to present or produce (a play etc): They're putting on `Hamlet' next week.) dar
    5) (to provide (eg transport): They always put on extra buses between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m.) providenciar
    6) (to make a false show of; to pretend: She said she felt ill, but she was just putting it on.) fingir
    7) (to bet (money) on: I've put a pound on that horse to win.) apostar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > put on

  • 7 strings

    noun plural ((in an orchestra, the group of people who play) stringed instruments, ie violins, violas, 'cellos and double basses: The conductor said the strings were too loud.) cordas

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strings

  • 8 put on

    1) (to switch on (a light etc): Put the light on!) acender
    2) (to dress oneself in: Which shoes are you going to put on?) pôr
    3) (to add or increase: The car put on speed; I've put on weight.) aumentar
    4) (to present or produce (a play etc): They're putting on `Hamlet' next week.) encenar
    5) (to provide (eg transport): They always put on extra buses between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m.) colocar
    6) (to make a false show of; to pretend: She said she felt ill, but she was just putting it on.) simular
    7) (to bet (money) on: I've put a pound on that horse to win.) apostar em

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > put on

  • 9 represent

    [reprə'zent] 1. verb
    1) (to speak or act on behalf of: You have been chosen to represent our association at the conference.) representar
    2) (to be a sign, symbol, picture etc of: In this play, the man in black represents Death and the young girl Life.) representar
    3) (to be a good example of; to show or illustrate: What he said represents the feelings of many people.) representar
    - representative 2. noun
    1) ((also rep [rep]) a person who represents a business; a travelling salesman: Our representative will call on you this afternoon.) representante
    2) (a person who represents a person or group of people: A Member of Parliament is the representative of the people in his constituency.) representante

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > represent

  • 10 strings

    noun plural ((in an orchestra, the group of people who play) stringed instruments, ie violins, violas, 'cellos and double basses: The conductor said the strings were too loud.) cordas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > strings

  • 11 trick

    [trik] 1. noun
    1) (something which is done, said etc in order to cheat or deceive someone, and sometimes to frighten them or make them appear stupid: The message was just a trick to get her to leave the room.) ardil
    2) (a clever or skilful action (to amuse etc): The magician performed some clever tricks.) truque
    2. adjective
    (intended to deceive or give a certain illusion: trick photography.) trucado
    - trickster - tricky - trickily - trickiness - trick question - do the trick - play a trick / tricks on - a trick of the trade - trick or treat!

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > trick

См. также в других словарях:

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